AstroHuntsman / gunagala

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update to astropy template #38

Open lspitler opened 3 years ago

lspitler commented 3 years ago

Now using astropy cookie cutter version, hopefully.

A few lingering issues. Will link relevant commits here:

Will submit PR now as draft until @AnthonyHorton tests thoroughly. Let's see if travis works...

Test using astropy's preferred automation helper via: tox -e test

lspitler commented 3 years ago

Probably need to modify travis files to better match current version used by astropy, e.g.:

lspitler commented 3 years ago

Alight the tests seem to pass without a need for changes in #39 . I created a fresh conda environment to test things and then ran:

cd gunagala_src_dir
git clean -xdf
pip install tox
tox -e test

Making this non-draft and ready for someone else to test and review.