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Reading Gadget binary files. #79

Open bazkiaei opened 5 years ago

bazkiaei commented 5 years ago

We are using Pynbody for reading Gadget output files at the moment. The Gadget output file could be either HDF5 or binary. Pynbody works pretty well with HDF5 files but has some issues with binary files. There are 6 components in the Gadget output files which are gas, halo, disk, bulge, stars, and bndry. If the file is HDF5, Pynbody reads it properly but if it is a binary file, Pynbody reads disk, bulge, and stars components as one single component as stars.

AnthonyHorton commented 5 years ago

What sort of binary file? HDF5 is itself mostly binary, as is FITS.

bazkiaei commented 5 years ago

@AnthonyHorton I met Kate Harborne during the Astro 3D meeting, she has been working with GadGet output files for a while and she told me that. It says that its kind is "Unix executable" when I Get info in Mac. I just did file -I filename as well and this is the result: application/octet-stream; charset=binary.