AstroNvim / astrotheme

The default colorscheme used by AstroNvim
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Highlight group modifications don't persist after reloading colorschemes #62

Closed pkazmier closed 1 year ago

pkazmier commented 1 year ago

Highlight group customizations do not persist if the colorscheme is reloaded—or if one switches colorschemes and then back again. Is this expected behavior? For example, the following colorschemes take effect the first time I load astrodark. But if I temporarily switch colorschemes in a session and then switch back, none of these modifications stick. Is this expected behavior? I'm running the latest and greatest version of Astronvim/Astrotheme. Thanks!

        astrodark = {
          modify_hl_groups = function(hl, c)
            hl["@parameter"].italic = true
            hl["Title"].bold = true
            hl["TelescopeResultsTitle"].bold = true
            hl["TelescopeResultsTitle"].italic = true
            hl["TelescopePromptTitle"].bold = true
            hl["TelescopePromptTitle"].italic = true
            hl["TelescopePreviewTitle"].bold = true
            hl["TelescopePreviewTitle"].italic = true
            hl["yamlBlockMappingKey"] = { fg = c.syntax.purple }
            hl["yamlFlowMappingKey"] = { fg = c.syntax.purple }
            hl["@punctuation.bracket"] = { fg = "#898C96" }
            hl["@punctuation.delimiter"] = { fg = "#898C96" }
            hl["Operator"] = { fg = "#898C96" }
            hl["markdownH1"] = { fg = c.ui.purple, bold = true, italic = true }
            hl["markdownH2"] = { fg = c.ui.purple, bold = true, italic = true }
            hl["markdownH3"] = { fg = c.ui.purple, bold = true, italic = true }
            hl["markdownH4"] = { fg = c.ui.purple, bold = true, italic = true }
            hl["markdownH5"] = { fg = c.ui.purple, bold = true, italic = true }
            hl["markdownH6"] = { fg = c.ui.purple, bold = true, italic = true }
            hl["markdownCode"] = { fg = }
            hl["markdownCodeBlock"] = { fg = }
            hl["@lsp.type.enumMember.markdown"] = { fg = c.syntax.cyan }
A-Lamia commented 1 year ago

yeah i can see that, there is something pretty interesting happening where some tables are being merged and some are not, ill need a little to investigate why this is happening.

A-Lamia commented 1 year ago

issue has been fixed and will be automatically closed when merged thanks so much for the report!