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Initialize Commit Lint and ESLint for Conventional Comments and Best Practices #266

Closed Nishitbaria closed 10 months ago

Nishitbaria commented 11 months ago

Issue Description:

Goal: The purpose of this issue is to set up Commit Lint and ESLint in our repository to enforce conventional comments and best practices for code quality, consistency, and maintainability.

Background: As our project grows, it becomes essential to maintain a consistent coding style, ensure meaningful commit messages, and follow best practices to enhance collaboration and codebase maintainability. Commit Lint helps enforce well-formatted commit messages using conventional patterns, making it easier to understand the purpose of each commit. ESLint, on the other hand, enforces code quality rules, detects potential issues, and promotes best coding practices throughout the project.


  1. Integrate Commit Lint:

    • Install the necessary Commit Lint package and its dependencies.
    • Configure Commit Lint to enforce conventional commit messages.
    • Define commit message guidelines in the project's documentation.
  2. Implement ESLint:

    • Install ESLint along with required plugins and presets.
    • Create a configuration file for ESLint to enforce best coding practices.
    • Customize ESLint rules as per project requirements and guidelines.
    • Include a guide on ESLint rules in the project's documentation.
  3. Setup Pre-commit Hooks:

    • Configure pre-commit hooks to automatically validate commit messages against Commit Lint rules before committing.
    • Ensure ESLint checks the staged files for potential issues before committing.
  4. Documentation:

    • Update the README to include information about Commit Lint and ESLint integration.
    • Explain the commit message conventions to be followed by contributors.
    • Document the ESLint rules and guidelines adopted for the project.

Expected Outcome: By completing this issue, we will have implemented Commit Lint and ESLint into our project, ensuring that:

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

Hey👋🏼, @Nishitbaria, thank you for opening an issue. You need to update or make PR in under 7 days

Soon the maintainers/owner will review it and provide you with feedback/suggestions.
If you think it's something urgent, feel free to reach out to Anand on Twitter.

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