Astrodevil / resource-gallery

Resources related to software development
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Add Sharing Popup with Social Media Sharing and Copy Link Functionality #280

Closed Nishitbaria closed 10 months ago

Nishitbaria commented 11 months ago

Issue Description: Currently, the Resource Gallery on our website lacks a user-friendly sharing feature for our blog posts. We need to enhance the user experience by adding a sharing popup that allows visitors to easily share our blog posts on relevant social media platforms and also provides the option to copy the link for direct sharing.

Requested Changes:

  1. Implement a sharing popup for each blog post in the Resource Gallery.
  2. Include social media sharing buttons for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, to name a few.
  3. Add a "Copy Link" button to allow users to copy the URL of the blog post for sharing via other means (e.g., messaging apps, emails).
  4. Ensure that the sharing popup is visually appealing and consistent with the website's design and theme.
  5. Optimize the sharing functionality to provide accurate meta information (title, description, and image) when shared on social media platforms.

Benefits: By adding a sharing popup with relevant social media sharing options and the ability to copy the link, we can empower our website visitors to easily share our blog posts with their networks. This will increase the visibility and reach of our content, driving more traffic to our website and potentially attracting new users and followers.

Let's work on implementing this enhancement to enhance user engagement and make it simpler for our audience to share our valuable blog content with others.



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github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

Hey👋🏼, @Nishitbaria, thank you for opening an issue. You need to update or make PR in under 7 days

Soon the maintainers/owner will review it and provide you with feedback/suggestions.
If you think it's something urgent, feel free to reach out to Anand on Twitter.

Give us a ⭐ to show some support
Keep Contributing 🚀

Nishitbaria commented 11 months ago

@Astrodevil ,please assign this issue ,i will add sharing popup according to your theme