Astrodevil / resource-gallery

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πŸ’‘ [REQUEST] - Add config.yml and style.yml Files to ISSUE_TEMPLATES #283

Closed NarendraKoya999 closed 10 months ago

NarendraKoya999 commented 11 months ago
Section Description
Concise Description style.yml (Custom ISSUE_TEMPLATE): The style.yml file, on the other hand, serves as a custom ISSUE_TEMPLATE for issues related to coding style, code formatting, and linting rules within your GitHub repository. This template helps contributors or users report code style-related concerns or seek guidance on adhering to the project's coding standards. The contents of style.yml might include specific questions or prompts related to coding style, requesting users to provide examples of code snippets that need formatting adjustments or explanation. Additionally, you might include instructions on how to check code against the project's style guidelines and best practices.
Solution Proposed Describe the solution you would want
Alternative Solutions Describe any alternative solutions you can think of
Additional Context Write any other contexts related to the feature request
Screenshots [Provide screenshots here]

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github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

HeyπŸ‘‹πŸΌ, @NarendraKoya999, thank you for opening an issue. You need to update or make PR in under 7 days

Soon the maintainers/owner will review it and provide you with feedback/suggestions.
If you think it's something urgent, feel free to reach out to Anand on Twitter.

Give us a ⭐ to show some support
Keep Contributing πŸš€

NarendraKoya999 commented 10 months ago

Hi @Astrodevil and @Alkaison . Please Review on this ISSUE as soon as Possible. Thank You !