Astrotech89 / me5e-v141

Revival of the ME5e Foundry
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Updated Geth, Kett, and Prothean Racial features. #18

Closed bushongj closed 2 years ago

bushongj commented 2 years ago

On behalf of Astrotech:

Updated Geth, Kett, and Prothean Racial features. Updated Feats db Updated Items catalogue

bushongj commented 2 years ago

Woops I see you put all your changes in the racial-features-me5e.db instead of the racial-features-me5e-14.db. Now there are some features mentioned twice. Please add all the changes to the v1.4 compendium so we can keep the new features separate.

There is a few styleguide corrections that need to happen to match what has been done already. We are trying to match how features, items, and spells appear in the DnD5e game system. Please see below



sparkcity commented 2 years ago

Agreed with @bushongj on style guide corrections and I'll add the variant details to the species compendium.