AstuteSource / chasten

:dizzy: Chasten Uses XML and XPATH to Check a Python Program's AST for Specified Patterns!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Automatically Generate a Chasten Configuration Based on Detected Source Code Patterns #13

Open gkapfham opened 1 year ago

gkapfham commented 1 year ago

The chasten tool comes pre-configured with internally stored checks.

Once the tool has a significant number of internally checks, it should be possible to scan the source code of a project and detect how many regions match the specific checks.

This would be particularly useful for an instructor who implements a solution for a project. This person could then run chasten to detect, for instance, that there are 19 functions in the modules of the program and that they all have type annotations and docstring comments.

If chasten could then automatically generate a config.yml and checks.yml that express these and all of the other detected checks. When the instructor then removes some of these functions or docstrings or type annotations during the preparation of the "starter repository" for the project, the chasten checks will start to fail even then they previously passed in the solution repository.

Ultimately, this would be a super-easy way for a teacher to start using chasten!

gkapfham commented 1 year ago

NOTE I will cry tears of joy if this is finished. 🥲

simojo commented 1 year ago

@audreyblarr @cabrera02 @KevenDuverglas I'm going to guess this issue will be done on week 6. This is mostly just to commit it to a time span.

simojo commented 11 months ago

This issue was ghosted because the people working on it either dropped the class or started working on a different project.