AstuteSource / chasten

:dizzy: Chasten Uses XML and XPATH to Check a Python Program's AST for Specified Patterns!
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Document Pain Points & Solutions Regarding Dev Environments #41

Closed jnormile closed 8 months ago

jnormile commented 1 year ago

As a team, we've run into some roadblocks getting everyone up and running with Chasten on their local machines. Of course, this prevents us from progressing at all in closing the gap between where Chasten is currently and where we want it to be in order to be "production-ready".

We need to either: A. Define and enforce best practices requiring each team member to document pain points they've encountered in getting a dev environment set up on their local machine, as well as any solutions implemented. B. Task a team member or two with interviewing the team (making sure each operating system is represented) to understand how successful dev environments have been created, and ultimately write documentation that can be utilized by the rest of the team to achieve similar results. C. Implement some combination of the above two strategies.

gkapfham commented 1 year ago

Hi @jnormile, thanks for raising this issue. I agree that, ultimately, we need to have a separate wiki or web site that documents how to install (and troubleshoot the installation) for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. We wiki/web site should also have an FAQ that answers all of the installation questions that we face. I suggest that we use a Wiki in this repository (or perhaps the Discussions feature?) so that we can develop this content.

What do others think?

simojo commented 1 year ago

@jnormile @gkapfham I suggest that we make Getting Started Documentation a milestone in this repo, and task everyone with putting all of the issues encountered including how they solved it (tagged with the milestone of course), making sure that no one posts duplicates. Then, a team of people can be tasked to go through and work on consolidating these into a wiki. We would then consider the milestone complete when all of the issues are sufficiently documented.

gkapfham commented 12 months ago

Hi @simojo, I am fine with having additional getting started documentation. Would this go in the file? If so, then it needs to be very brief and to-the-point as we don't want a file to be too detailed and overwhelming. Another option would be to create a Wiki and then start to add detailed documentation to it. Can you please push forward this issue as long as other team members agree? Right now, there is seemingly not a lot of effort towards improving the documentation.

gkapfham commented 9 months ago

Hello @simojo and @AlishChhetri is it possible to solve this issue with some small improvements to the content in the README?

AlishChhetri commented 9 months ago

Issue #41 Document Pain Points & Solutions Regarding Dev Environments:

This issue was raised in August and was originally created to highlight difficulties in setting up chasten on windows and Mac OS and various devices. The issue contains the following messages.

Jeff's Message (started the issue):

As a team, we've run into some roadblocks getting everyone up and running with Chasten on their local machines. Of course, this prevents us from progressing at all in closing the gap between where Chasten is currently and where we want it to be in order to be "production-ready".

We need to either:
A. Define and enforce best practices requiring each team member to document pain points they've encountered in getting a dev environment set up on their local machine, as well as any solutions implemented.
B. Task a team member or two with interviewing the team (making sure each operating system is represented) to understand how successful dev environments have been created, and ultimately write documentation that can be utilized by the rest of the team to achieve similar results.
C. Implement some combination of the above two strategies.

Professor Kapfhammer's Message:

I agree that, ultimately, we need to have a separate wiki or web site that documents how to install (and troubleshoot the installation) for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. We wiki/web site should also have an FAQ that answers all of the installation questions that we face. I suggest that we use a Wiki in this repository (or perhaps the Discussions feature?) so that we can develop this content.

I believe that we have moved beyond this issue as an external wiki has been created to store information regarding Chasten. We have also created several templates for enforcing best practice. Should we close this issue and move on or try to address it still? If so please reply to this message or the issue on github. A potential solution could be creating a blog style part of the wiki that devs can contribute their struggles into, but this maybe fruitless.

Jaclynpqc commented 9 months ago

Hi @AlishChhetri , there is a closed issue about getting Chasten to run on MacOS, you might want to check that out.

AlishChhetri commented 8 months ago

This issue has been addressed with the addition of the Development Environment and the Development Tasks onto the readme.