AsuniSoft / BCF-XML

XML specification for BIM Collaboration Format
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Persistence for BCF data in Rhino document #7

Open moethu opened 6 years ago

moethu commented 6 years ago

@kike-garbo would it make sense to store additional bcf data like markups in Rhino.DocObjects.ViewportInfo objects? Or what would be the best way to get a persistence for userdata? Viewports themselves don't have any userdata.

moethu commented 6 years ago

One idea would be to store all markup data with the viewport and then use the Rhino.Display.RhinoView.SetActive event - once the view has been activated we can apply all markups as conduit overlays. Once the active view changes the conduit is set to disabled until the view is active again.

kike-garbo commented 5 years ago

What kind of markup data are you thinking about?

moethu commented 5 years ago

BCFs are supporting markups like this one: captura de pantalla 2018-11-19 a las 20 56 48 it would mostly be text and some shapes like lines or circles. Pretty much everything which is supported by conduit drawing overlays.

kike-garbo commented 5 years ago

As I understand is the other way arround. Is the bcf that contains the model or a link to the model. Am I wrong?

moethu commented 5 years ago

Yes, BCFs can contain IFC snippets (parts of a model) but mostly just reference IFC element IDs. At the moment we won't be able to reference IFC element IDs in the Rhino model because there are none. But we can import the viewpoint and markup data. the viewpoints are containing camera settings, lines and section planes. We can import most bcf data as a viewport but it would be great to store some additional data with it, like the lines. Another question is if we can store markup data like bcf topics in an invisible object to the Rhino file. Is there any common pattern for storing this if there is no actual geometry element?