AsuradaYuci / TF-CLIP

TF-CLIP: Learning Text-Free CLIP for Video-Based Person Re-identification (AAAI2024)
MIT License
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Pretrained Models #3

Open erictan23 opened 2 months ago

erictan23 commented 2 months ago

Hello! Thank you for sharing this interesting repository. I would like to try out this project, is there any pretrained models available for download?

AsuradaYuci commented 2 months ago

@erictan23 Thanks for your attention, I have updated the corresponding pre-training weights in the README.

erictan23 commented 2 months ago

@AsuradaYuci Thank you for your prompt reply and hardwork. I am not able to download the pretrained weights from BaiDu. Is there any other way you can upload into another drive?