AsyncHttpClient / async-http-client

Asynchronous Http and WebSocket Client library for Java
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Support Socks4/5 Proxy #533

Open Lekanich opened 10 years ago

Lekanich commented 10 years ago

Can you add support socks proxy for netty provider? It was be wonderfull.

slandelle commented 10 years ago

Contribution welcome

Lekanich commented 10 years ago

Ok, I will make a new fork and write.

Lekanich commented 10 years ago

What java version I must use for this? (JAVA 6, 7, 8?)

jfarcand commented 10 years ago

If it's for 2.0, you can use 7. If for 1.8.x, use 6.

Lekanich commented 10 years ago

What branch is 2.0?

slandelle commented 10 years ago


Lekanich commented 10 years ago

@slandelle Thanks

slandelle commented 10 years ago

@Lekanich Well, you're the one who deserves thanks. Referencing your Netty WIP:

bchazalet commented 9 years ago

I am interesting in this too and will be keen on contributing.

What's the status of it and is there a wip branch where I can have a look at the current progress and help?

slandelle commented 9 years ago

Hi @bchazalet,

Honestly, I have no idea where SOCKS support in Netty is now. From @trustin's comment here, I'm not sure it has support for client side sockets yet. If you're interested in contributing, the best way would probably be to first get in touch with the Netty people and make the feature happen there. Then, we'll be able to wrap it in AHC.

bchazalet commented 9 years ago

thanks for the info @slandelle

jeffpeiyt commented 8 years ago

ah @bchazalet ... we need this too... as we use ssh tunneling with dynamic forward to local port

jeffpeiyt commented 8 years ago

@bchazalet , after a year.... does netty support this now?

slandelle commented 8 years ago

AFAIK, Netty 4 now has SOCKS support. But even if AHC 2 (currently in alpha) supports Netty 4, there's no integration for this codec. Honestly, the best way to make it happen is to contribute it.

bchazalet commented 8 years ago

@slandelle How would you implement this? Can you throw a couple of pointers on where to start? And what codec are you talking about?

Sorry for the naive questions, but I guess I have a lot of reading on both projects.

trustin commented 8 years ago

@bchazalet A good starting point would be to look at the test case in Netty:

It tests various cases, but they are essentially same.

egprentice commented 8 years ago

I need socks5 support also.

hsrzq commented 8 years ago

I need too!

slandelle commented 8 years ago

But I don't. So there's 2 ways to make this happen:

slandelle commented 7 years ago

No activity there for a very long time. Closing for now.

hyperxpro commented 7 months ago

Adding support for Socks5; PR will be up soon.