AsyncTI4 / TI4_map_generator_bot

Async TI4 Game Management Bot
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Strategy Phase Optimizations #2163

Open Fingon00 opened 1 month ago

Fingon00 commented 1 month ago

Players are always eager to find new ways to speed up their games, and they have requested the following two features as items that would improve the speed/flow of the strategy phase.

The first is rather simple: in a 4 player or 8 player game, the last strategy card is a forced pick. Currently, we still wait on the last user to press a button to pick it, but we could auto pick it and save time. Currently, a similar auto pick exists in the Milty draft tool the bot has.

The second is more complicated: players will often have a good idea of what strategy cards they want and in what order. So they may be 3rd in line to pick a strategy card, and know that they would pick Technology first, and pick Leadership if technology is taken, and pick trade if technology and leadership are both taken. The feature would be to allow players to secretly make this ranking/choice at the start of the strategy phase, and then to automatically execute it for them when it comes time for them to pick. This will allow them to check in less often and the strategy phase to go quicker as it awaits less people. Similar pre play features exist, and the strategy card ranking existed as a slash command in fog once (discontinued when we switched to buttons).

PiwkoWazzap commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'd be down to give it a try, can you assign me this issue?