AtChem / AtChem2

Atmospheric chemistry box-model for the MCM
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Build function is not working #499

Closed tanzinaakther closed 10 months ago

tanzinaakther commented 1 year ago

Hi, I was running the model fine. But suddenly, I am facing this issue although I ran the model with the same code just 2 days ago and it was working properly. You can see, in the left, where my files directory exactly matches with the code, but it gives assertion error and says failed to find files.

Model run pblm
rs028 commented 1 year ago

Hi @tanzinaakther this may be a stupid question, but ... is the mechanism.fac file in the model_rns directory?

tanzinaakther commented 1 year ago

Yes , mechanism.fac file is there.

tanzinaakther commented 1 year ago

See this

rs028 commented 1 year ago

I am not sure what to suggest. If it was working before and if you haven't changed anything in the setup or the code, then I see no reason why it should not work now. The only suggestion I have (not particularly helpful I realize) is to check carefully that all commands, files, directories and paths are correct and are where they are supposed to be, and to review any changes you may have made.

rs028 commented 10 months ago

I am closing this, please reopen it if it is still an issue.