AtChem / AtChem2

Atmospheric chemistry box-model for the MCM
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Convert to using function parser rather than hardcoding and recompiling #7

Closed spco closed 5 years ago

spco commented 7 years ago
spco commented 7 years ago

This is to be done only after the pre-function parser milestone is passed.

spco commented 6 years ago

Fparser can't natively handle an expression like KR17 = K170/K17I because we need to declare KR17 as a variable at compile time. This affects our ability to compute the Generic Rate Coefficients and Complex Reactions section of gen/mechanism-rate-coefficients.f90 with the parser - we'd need to know the names of these at compile time, which isn't guaranteed.

I think the way around this is to do a little more in the Python stage before running atchem. Suppose we have the following gen/mechanism-rate-coefficients.f90 file:

KCH3O2 = 1.03e-13_DP*EXP(365.0_DP/TEMP)
K298CH3O2 = 3.5e-13_DP
K14ISOM1 = 3.00e7_DP*EXP(-5300_DP/TEMP)
!* Complex reactions ;
KD0 = 1.10e-05_DP*M*EXP(-10100_DP/TEMP)
KDI = 1.90e17_DP*EXP(-14100_DP/TEMP)
!****************************************************** ;
!* Reaction definitions. ;
p(1) = 5.6D-34*N2*(TEMP/300)**(-2.6)*O2   !% 5.6D-34*N2*(TEMP/300)@-2.6*O2 : O = O3 ;
p(2) = KMT01   !% KMT01 : O + NO = NO2 ;
p(3) = KMT02   !% KMT02 : O + NO2 = NO3 ;

In the python stage, we need to do more processing so that instead we get the following:

q(1) = 1.03e-13_DP*EXP(365.0_DP/TEMP)
q(2) = 3.5e-13_DP
q(3) = 3.00e7_DP*EXP(-5300_DP/TEMP)
!* Complex reactions ;
q(4)KD0 = 1.10e-05_DP*M*EXP(-10100_DP/TEMP)
q(5)KDI = 1.90e17_DP*EXP(-14100_DP/TEMP)
q(6)KRD = q(4)/q(5)
q(7)KMT01 = 1.0e-05_DP
q(8)KMT02 = q(4)/q(7)
!****************************************************** ;
!* Reaction definitions. ;
p(1) = 5.6D-34*N2*(TEMP/300)**(-2.6)*O2   !% 5.6D-34*N2*(TEMP/300)@-2.6*O2 : O = O3 ;
p(2) = q(7)   !% KMT01 : O + NO = NO2 ;
p(3) = q(8)   !% KMT02 : O + NO2 = NO3 ;

I think we just need to declare real(kind=DP) :: N2, O2, M, RH, H2O, DEC, BLH, DILUTE, JFAC, ROOFOPEN and then read and allocate the correct number of elements for q, (as we do for pcurrently).

HOWEVER... It also turns out that you can't use the function parser to read from array elements - only specified variables. I think the way to get around that is to hack the parser so that it takes as input the array q that we want it to be able to read, and uses that when it hits p(1) in the same way that intrinsics are called. This may take a bit of time, but it should work...

I'll be working on a mock-up small prototype to test the feasibility of that all.

rs028 commented 6 years ago

As far as the first point is concerned, I think it would be good to do it anyways. It seems a cleaner way to do things (and maybe more robust).

I am a bit uncomfortable with the second point. Modifying the parser may cause some difficulty in keeping everything up to date (not to mention installation for unexperienced users). But I guess it depends on how complicated that would be.

Is there only one parser that can be used?

spco commented 6 years ago

There are 3 different versions of function parser:,, and I'm looking into the latter mostly, as it is in a more modern style than the first, and slightly more recently developed than the second. They are all very similar, as the latter 2 are based on the first by Roland Schmehl, and this is itself based on the C++ parser at .

As none of them are being actively developed that I can see, my intention would be to just bundle a modified distribution in with ours. This is possible under the BSD licensing, so long as we keep the necessary headers. So we shouldn't fall behind their development (as there isn't any), and we can modify it to our specific usecase. It just becomes a couple more files in our src/ directory, so it's nothing more for the user to do or install.

rs028 commented 6 years ago

Okay then. But I think we need to decide on the priorities, depending on your time, with a view to close PR #303 and have a stable release.

spco commented 6 years ago

Once #347 is merged, we are halfway there already. After that, we need to:

rs028 commented 6 years ago


One minor point. mechanism.gc is still about rate coefficients, just different ones than in mechanism.rates. Maybe the naming structure should be changed

old name new name alternative new name
mechanism.species mechanism.species species.mecha
mechanism.reac mechanism.reactants reactants.mecha mechanism.products products.mecha
mechanism.gc mechanism.generic-ratecoeff ratecoeff-generic.mecha
mechanism.rates mechanism.ratecoeff ratecoeff.mecha

or something like that (these are just suggestions).

spco commented 5 years ago

This has been superceded by the use of a shared library in #370.

spco commented 5 years ago

As #370 has been merged, I'm going to close this. I'll leave the branch on my fork at around for a while as it may be useful for future reference.