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:art: Replace tables and add styles (#705) #939

Closed KATO-Hiro closed 19 hours ago

KATO-Hiro commented 2 days ago

close #705

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 2 days ago


This update introduces several new features, enhancements, and thorough refactoring for a Svelte project. Significant changes include adding new components, updating ESLint configuration, refining CSS styles, and reorganizing various files related to UI elements and their behaviors. Additionally, dependencies in package.json were updated, and a new components.json file was created to configure project settings for Svelte.


Files (Grouped by Similar Changes) Change Summaries
.devcontainer/devcontainer.json Added the extension "Selemondev.vscode-shadcn-svelte"
.eslintrc.cjs Updated ecmaVersion to 'latest' and es2017 to es2024 Reorganized and clarified frontend technologies and infrastructure details
components.json Introduced configuration settings for a Svelte project
package.json Added svelte-headless-table, updated dependencies versions like bits-ui, svelte-add, etc.
src/app.css Reorganized CSS variables and styles
src/lib/components/... Introduced and updated multiple components, including new properties and methods, particularly around table management using svelte-headless-table

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant InputFieldWrapper
    participant SelectWrapper
    participant WorkBookTasksTable

    User->>InputFieldWrapper: Set isEditable
    InputFieldWrapper->>InputFieldWrapper: Toggle readonly state

    User->>SelectWrapper: Set isEditable
    SelectWrapper->>SelectWrapper: Toggle disabled state

    User->>WorkBookTasksTable: View tasks
    WorkBookTasksTable->>svelte-headless-table: Create table
    svelte-headless-table->>WorkBookTasksTable: Render table


In the land of Svelte code so fine,
Components now align in a line.
Tasks in tables, sleek and neat,
Editable fields, such a treat.
JavaScript flows, pristine,
Updates and styles, a coder's dream.
🎉 Here's to change, ever so sweet! 🌟


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KATO-Hiro commented 1 day ago

Svelte 4: onMountでテーブルの内容を更新できると思いましたが、意図した通りの動作は確認できていません。

Svelte 5の新機能を利用すれば、実現できるかもしれません