Atalanta / cucumber-chef

Framework for test-driven infrastructure development
Apache License 2.0
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Cucumber loads all .rb files and blows up #121

Closed edyu closed 11 years ago

edyu commented 11 years ago

This is somewhat similar to issue #88. At first it was complaining about cookbooks/users/meta.rb and then after adding and modifying cucumber.yml to ignore cookbooks directory, it complains about environments/production.rb. I'm certain it will complain about a lot of files.

edyu commented 11 years ago

Here is the output

cucumber test teamserver [~/dev/chef/cucumber-chef] Using the default profile... Code:

edyu commented 11 years ago

default: --color --verbose --backtrace --exclude cookbooks --exclude environments --exclude roles --exclude support/cookbooks --exclude support/data_bags --exclude support/environments --exclude support/keys --exclude support/roles --format pretty

edyu commented 11 years ago

It's now complaining about create_server() call which I assume should've been part of a helper for chef but I can't find it. At this point, I'm giving up on getting the book to work. The book doesn't complete the full steps on what I need to do so I can't reverse-engineer what needs to be done. :(

edyu commented 11 years ago

I created it. See 2 comments back. But at this point, it's not cucumber-chef anymore but I can't go on with the instruction (or the lack of) on the book. :( I can't figure out where create_server is defined and it was supposed to work by putting in the steps file.

zpatten commented 11 years ago

Ya I'm not sure what's going on here; something is broken thou.

You will not be able to follow the directions in the book with the latest version. It flat out won't work.

I suggest reading the and 2.x from the cucumber-chef repo.

zpatten commented 11 years ago

Again; I would suggest following the directions in my cc-chef-repo and using that as a starting point.

zpatten commented 11 years ago

Between that; the files in the cucumber-chef repo root and the book; it should be somewhat obvious how things work now.