Atalanta / cucumber-chef

Framework for test-driven infrastructure development
Apache License 2.0
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node has no roles, run list #131

Open perplexes opened 11 years ago

perplexes commented 11 years ago

After having a successful run, I wanted to see the chef data on the container. Should it have data? I assume so. Without this I can't test deploying to the container with cc-knife search node :/

colin@blackbook:~/src/verba/chef-repo$ bin/cc-knife node list
cc-knife v3.0.8

colin@blackbook:~/src/verba/chef-repo$ bin/cc-knife node show verba-web
cc-knife v3.0.8
Node Name:   verba-web
Environment: test
FQDN:        verba-web
Run List:    
Platform:    ubuntu 10.04
zpatten commented 11 years ago

Did you actually set any roles, etc during your cuke run? Where is that output?

perplexes commented 11 years ago

Yes. Here is my Labfile:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#^syntax detection

ecosystem "verba-ecosystem" do

  container "verba-web" do
    distro "ubuntu"
    release "lucid"
    persist true
    ip ""
    mac "00:00:5e:35:ea:d5"
    chef_client  ({
      :environment => "test",
      :run_list => ["role[verba_compete_web]"]


The container's /etc/chef/attributes.json picks up the role:

root@verba-web:~# cat /etc/chef/attributes.json

Here's the cuke run:

colin@blackbook:~/src/verba/chef-repo$ VERBOSE=1 bin/cucumber
  * features/support/env.rb
  * features/support/cc-hooks.rb
>>> cucumber-chef v3.0.8
>>> Pushing chef-repo environments to the test lab completed in 1.7068 seconds.
>>> Pushing chef-repo cookbooks to the test lab completed in 6.2111 seconds.
>>> Pushing chef-repo roles to the test lab completed in 4.5149 seconds.
>>> Creating container 'verba-web' completed in 0.3468 seconds.
>>> Provisioning container 'verba-web' completed in 277.5350 seconds.
Failed to load 'md' programming language for file features/verba/ cannot load such file -- cucumber/md_support/md_language
  * features/verba/ [NOT SUPPORTED]
  * features/verba/step_definitions/verba_steps.rb

  * features/chef-client.feature
  * features/verba/web.feature
Parsing feature files took 0m0.023s

Using the default profile...
Feature: Chef-Client Role
  In order to automate server provisioning with Opscode Chef
  As a DevOp Engineer
  I want to ensure that chef-client is daemonized on my servers

  Background:                                              # features/chef-client.feature:7
    * I ssh to "verba-web" with the following credentials: # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:28
      | username | keyfile |
      | $lxc$    | $lxc$   |

  Scenario: Chef-Client is running as a daemon             # features/chef-client.feature:12
    When I run "ps aux | grep [c]hef-client"               # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:62
    Then the exit code should be "0"                       # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:84
    And I should see "chef-client" in the output           # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:68
    And I should see "-i 1800" in the output               # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:68
    And I should see "-s 300" in the output                # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:68

  Scenario: The Chef-Server validation key has been removed # features/chef-client.feature:19
    When I run "[[ ! -e /etc/chef/validation.pem ]]"        # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:62
    Then the exit code should be "0"                        # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:84

Feature: verba
  In order to automate server provisioning with Opscode Chef
  As a DevOp Engineer
  I want to ensure that verba is running on my servers

  Background:                                              # features/verba/web.feature:7
    * I ssh to "verba-web" with the following credentials: # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:28
      | username | keyfile |
      | $lxc$    | $lxc$   |

  Scenario: apache2 is running as a daemon                 # features/verba/web.feature:12
    When I run "ps aux | grep [a]pache2"                   # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:62
    Then the exit code should be "0"                       # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:84
    And I should see "apache2" in the output               # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:68

  Scenario: monit is running as a daemon                   # features/verba/web.feature:17
    When I run "ps aux | grep [m]onit"                     # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:62
    Then the exit code should be "0"                       # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:84
    And I should see "monitrc" in the output               # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:68

4 scenarios (4 passed)
17 steps (17 passed)

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help resolve this issue.

Does this not happen with you and your setup? Do you get nodes populated with run lists and roles in your vagrant chef-server?

pikesley commented 11 years ago

Works for me:

[{~/Github/odi-chef} <2.0.0@cc3> (master) ] ➔ cucumber
  * features/support/env.rb
  * features/support/cc-hooks.rb
>>> cucumber-chef v3.0.8
>>> Pushing chef-repo environments to the test lab completed in 1.4136 seconds.

<snip snip snip>

  Scenario: Ruby 1.9.3 is installed                                 # features/quirkafleeg/webnode.feature:66
    * I run "su - quirkafleeg -c 'ruby -v'"                         # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:62
    * I should see "1.9.3" in the output                            # cucumber-chef-3.0.8/lib/cucumber/chef/steps/ssh_steps.rb:68

9 scenarios (9 passed)
37 steps (37 passed)
[{~/Github/odi-chef} <2.0.0@cc3> (master) ] ➔ cc-knife node show web-quirkafleeg-01
cc-knife v3.0.8
Node Name:   web-quirkafleeg-01
Environment: cucumber
FQDN:        web-quirkafleeg-01.test-lab
Run List:    role[quirkafleeg], role[base], role[chef-client], role[webnode]
Roles:       quirkafleeg, base, chef-client, webnode
Recipes:     build-essential, git, postfix, ntp, odi-users, mysql::client, dictionary, nodejs::install_from_package, chef-client::delete_validation, chef-client::config, chef-client::service, odi-rvm, envbuilder, quirkafleeg-deployment
Platform:    ubuntu 12.04
[{~/Github/odi-chef} <2.0.0@cc3> (master) ] ➔

Not sure what I'd be doing differently to you.


perplexes commented 11 years ago

I figured it out - there were unresolved errors in my runs, since I'm still developing the cookbooks for the node.

I think I'll enter a feature request for tests to fail if the provisioning fails.