Atalanta / cucumber-chef

Framework for test-driven infrastructure development
Apache License 2.0
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cucumber-chef setup asking for vagrant password #136

Open MSadir opened 9 years ago

MSadir commented 9 years ago


I really like the idea of cucumber-chef however I am struggling to get started. I want to use knife-solo, librarian-chef, chefspec, knife-spec, and cucumber-chef together. I am still at the early stages of understanding this all so forgive me if this is a stupid issue.

Following your wiki:

  1. Ensure you have the latest vagrant and virtualbox installed.
  2. cucumber-chef init to initalize a disabled config template.
  3. cucumber-chef create test to create a blank test feature.
  4. cucumber-chef setup is executed to ensure your test lab is provisioned.
  5. cucumber to execute features located in your chef-repo.

I reach step 4, however I have to uncomment the contents of the disabled config template in order to get started with the setup command. From there this happens:

-> cucumber-chef setup cucumber-chef v3.0.8 Creating VAGRANT instancecompleted in 27.7416 seconds. Uploading embedded chef-repo vagrant@'s password:

It is asking me for a password and I don't know where to find it. Simply using the vagrant default of 'vagrant' doesn't work. 'password' doesn't work either. Any ideas? I am also working from behind a proxy. Should I expect to encounter any proxy related issues down the line?

Many thanks in advance.

MSadir commented 9 years ago

Sorry, reading your other issues I should have posted this earlier:

-> tail -f .cucumber-chef/cucumber-chef.log test-lab-morgan: Adapter 2: hostonly test-lab-morgan: Adapter 3: hostonly ==> test-lab-morgan: Forwarding ports... test-lab-morgan: 22 => 2200 (adapter 1) ==> test-lab-morgan: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations... ==> test-lab-morgan: Booting VM... ==> test-lab-morgan: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... test-lab-morgan: SSH address: test-lab-morgan: SSH username: vagrant test-lab-morgan: SSH auth method: private key test-lab-morgan: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying... test-lab-morgan: test-lab-morgan: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace test-lab-morgan: this with a newly generated keypair for better security. test-lab-morgan: test-lab-morgan: Inserting generated public key within guest... test-lab-morgan: Removing insecure key from the guest if its present... test-lab-morgan: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key... ==> test-lab-morgan: Machine booted and ready! ==> test-lab-morgan: Checking for guest additions in VM... test-lab-morgan: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of test-lab-morgan: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can test-lab-morgan: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see test-lab-morgan: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the test-lab-morgan: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on test-lab-morgan: your host and reload your VM. test-lab-morgan: test-lab-morgan: Guest Additions Version: 4.2.0 test-lab-morgan: VirtualBox Version: 4.3 ==> test-lab-morgan: Configuring and enabling network interfaces... ==> test-lab-morgan: Mounting shared folders... test-lab-morgan: /vagrant => /Users/morgan/code/innchef ================[ morgan@xxxxxxxx >>> STOPPED ]================ 2015-07-03|14:44:24.881415|16290| INFO|benchmark.rb:96:bench|completed in 27.7416 seconds. 2015-07-03|14:44:24.883757|16290| INFO|benchmark.rb:81:bench|Uploading embedded chef-repo 2015-07-03|14:44:24.884925|16290| INFO|exec.rb:41:exec|exec("sudo rm -vrf /tmp/chef-solo") 2015-07-03|14:50:35.319741|16290| WARN|rescue_retry.rb:127:rescue in try|Caught #, we will give it 4 more tries. 2015-07-03|14:50:36.321117|16290| WARN|core.rb:105:on_retry|ZTK::SSH on_retry triggered! 2015-07-03|14:50:43.365036|16290| WARN|rescue_retry.rb:127:rescue in try|Caught #<Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer - recvfrom(2)>, we will give it 3 more tries. 2015-07-03|14:50:44.367524|16290| WARN|core.rb:105:on_retry|ZTK::SSH on_retry triggered! ================[ vagrant@ >>> COMMAND ]================ sudo rm -vrf /tmp/chef-solo ----------------[ vagrant@ >>> OPENED ]---------------- ================[ vagrant@ >>> CLOSED ]================ 2015-07-03|14:50:49.870283|16290| INFO|upload.rb:39:upload|upload("/Users/morgan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cucumber-chef-3.0.8/chef_repo", "/tmp/chef-solo") 2015-07-03|14:50:49.875955|16290| WARN|rescue_retry.rb:127:rescue in try|Caught #, we will give it 4 more tries. 2015-07-03|14:50:50.880384|16290| WARN|core.rb:105:on_retry|ZTK::SSH on_retry triggered! 2015-07-03|14:50:55.889063|16290| WARN|rescue_retry.rb:127:rescue in try|Caught #, we will give it 3 more tries. 2015-07-03|14:50:56.890486|16290| WARN|core.rb:105:on_retry|ZTK::SSH on_retry triggered! 2015-07-03|14:51:13.173946|16290| WARN|rescue_retry.rb:127:rescue in try|Caught #, we will give it 2 more tries. 2015-07-03|14:51:14.176261|16290| WARN|core.rb:105:on_retry|ZTK::SSH on_retry triggered! 2015-07-03|14:51:16.812399|16290| WARN|rescue_retry.rb:127:rescue in try|Caught #<Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user vagrant@>, we will give it 1 more try. 2015-07-03|14:51:17.814477|16290| WARN|core.rb:105:on_retry|ZTK::SSH on_retry triggered! 2015-07-03|14:51:19.692436|16290|FATAL|rescue_retry.rb:135:rescue in try|Caught #<Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user vagrant@> and we have no more tries left! We have to give up now!