AtelierArith / PyPlotly.jl

Pythonista friendly Julia interface for plotly
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Do you think this package would enable a person to plot Python Plotly code in a julia notebook? #14

Open russelljjarvis opened 2 years ago

russelljjarvis commented 2 years ago

Do you think your package would enable a person to plot Python Plotly code in a julia notebook or Pluto?

I think the variety of possible and tested plots is reduced for julia plotly versus python plotly especially for network apps. I want to make a julia dashboard app, that resuses already established Python plotly apps where possible.

terasakisatoshi commented 2 years ago

Hi @russelljjarvis

Thank you for finding this pacakge.

Do you think your package would enable a person to plot Python Plotly code in a julia notebook or Pluto?

I believe we can display fig object in a Jupyter Notebook.


terasakisatoshi commented 2 years ago

If you like to create application with Dash.jl check this out:

terasakisatoshi commented 2 years ago

Our package converts Python plotly objects into PlotlyJS.jl objects using the following code:

Therefore our package should work as long as PlotlyJS.jl lives.

russelljjarvis commented 2 years ago

Argghh!! that is the best part. Thanks that perfectly answers my question.

russelljjarvis commented 2 years ago

If you like to create application with Dash.jl check this out:

plotly/Dash.jl#50 (comment)

I am torn between dash.jl and pluto.jl I think its too much work to keep track of HTML divs. In Python, streamlit has meant you can make web apps without managing all the HTML, I am hoping to find a similar approach to streamlit in Julia, Pluto might work. So far using plotly.jl in pluto gives me errors, so I might come around to dash after all.

terasakisatoshi commented 2 years ago

Hi, @russelljjarvis

I've updated PyPlotly so that we can display plotly object on Pluto notebook.


How to reproduce:

Clone PyPlotly again (or run git pull to get the latest update.)

$ git clone
$ cd PyPlotly.jl
$ julia --project=@. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'

Then, initialize Pluto.jl via julia> using Pluto; from /path/to/PyPlotly.jl.

Access to

russelljjarvis commented 2 years ago

This is super interesting. Thanks for continuing the thread, I will replicate it!

russelljjarvis commented 2 years ago

I replicated it, its great the real time CPU visualization with plotly works on my computer!

Do you think you could build it on pluto-on-binder too?

This would be like a public dashboard portal almost.

terasakisatoshi commented 2 years ago

Do you think you could build it on pluto-on-binder too?

It seems this is not easy than we expected. Below is a screenshot.

russelljjarvis commented 2 years ago

No worries. You have created a great tool. I think public julia dashboards are still in the early days.

have you seen next journal? Its not really like a public dashboard website, but it at least renders and makes shareable interactive diagrams in Julia notebooks

There are instructions on how to setup PlutoSliderServer here for deployment on something like digital ocean, but it does not look fun.

terasakisatoshi commented 2 years ago

No worries. You have created a great tool.

Thank you so much! 😄

I think public julia dashboards are still in the early days.

Well, there is a Julia library

have you seen next journal? Its not really like a public dashboard website, but it at least renders and makes shareable interactive diagrams in Julia notebooks

Yes, this is very cool I think.

russelljjarvis commented 2 years ago

I think the deployment options are: