AtenDesignGroup / drupal-kickstart

A base setup for a starter Drupal website.
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Additional module considerations #7

Open jnettik opened 2 weeks ago

jnettik commented 2 weeks ago

Pulling from the project at, consider the differences in module list and see if we should use them. Add my initial thoughts:

Admin Dialogs: Interesting idea. Not opposed to this. Maybe broader Drupal UI type modules we should discuss with the TL team?

Ajax Loader: Do we use this on a lot of projects? I've not worked on many projects where we've needed to customize the throbber. Feels more edge case, unless we also want to ship with a custom throbber for every project.

Config Ignore: Another module I only use for select situations. Curious the use cases we'd have to include it on every project.

Entity Usage: Interested in this one. Specifically with Media, entity usasge does come up on a number of projects. Feels like this could solve a problem I'm asked about a lot.

Ext Link: I actively try to remove this from projects when I see it. It almost never aligns with things we want to do with design and gets in the way more often than not.

Field Config Cardinality: I'm interested in this module so long as we set the build standard to use it. Discuss with TLs.

Flood Control: Seems like a smart inclusion.

Maxlength: I think we only use this when design dictates it. Think this won't be used for all projects.

Media Entity Download: Smart inclusion

Menu Link Attributes: I've been moving more toward Menu Item Extras for things this module does. It's a little heavier, but has more potential and keeps solutions open ended.

Rabbit Hole: On the fence with this one. I don't use it for every project, but I do use it for a good amount. I think if we can think of things it would be configured with on a fresh install it's worth inclusion.

Replicate and Replicate UI: Do we use this enough on all projects to warrant?

Smart Trim: I think we should try to avoid using truncation as teaser strategies. This should be used when other solutions have been explored and dismissed.

SMTP: I do think we need something like this on our projects. What's the benefit to this over opting into SendGrid by default?

Tab Toolbar: Helpful UI module that removes tabs which get in the way when considering designs, especially in ME. I want to add this, and then try and get some additional UI fixes in for it.

Token Or: I've never needed this logic on a project before, but. this does feel like a simple enough idea that we could include it always. Do we use this a lot or is it more edge case?

Toolbar Manager: Does this support Toolbar changes we'd want to have done on all projects?

Ultimate Cron: Agreed. Probably needs included always.

View Unpublished: Could see this being useful as part of a broader authoring UI setup on install. Interested in use cases.

Views Ajax History: I don't do Ajax views a ton. Would this be used on all projects?

Views Argument Token: Seems like it could be a good addition to a toolkit even if we don't alway use it.

WebP: Smart inclusion.

jnettik commented 2 weeks ago
