Hi Alexander. If I run code like shown, with key_selector#1, I can see "echo in\n" executed, like expected.
But If I run code with key_selector#2 or key_selector#3, I never see "echo in\n" executed, $comparer is never executed. Sorting still works, but not with my custom comparer, just by alphabet.
I've digged into the sources, and I've found vendor\athari\yalinqo\YaLinqo\OrderedEnumerable.php:127
Using latest "composer require athari/yalinqo", v2.4.2
Hi Alexander. If I run code like shown, with key_selector#1, I can see "echo in\n" executed, like expected. But If I run code with key_selector#2 or key_selector#3, I never see "echo in\n" executed, $comparer is never executed. Sorting still works, but not with my custom comparer, just by alphabet.
I've digged into the sources, and I've found
If your code found current key selector function is the one from the cache, it never even tries to run provided custom comparer function.
I expect orderBy to always run comparer function if it is present. Thank you.