be able to choose from the menu as an option to enter the shop to buy some quiz information help.
) Justification
Would make it more interesting and helpful to be able to enter the shop for some hints to refresh the memory of a person regarding certain questions/information to evolve easier.
) Suggested implementation
[ ] The option to choose "shop" from menu is available when menu runs.
[ ] using "shop" command should take me to the shop where I can "buy" quiz help information.
[ ] get the option to choose what category of quizzes help information you want to buy with point ex: Sport info help.
) Impact
) Alternative solutions
to have a 4th option beside a) b) and c) in each question to help you with a hint.
Functional description
Implementera shop choice in menu to sell facts about categorys.
if a user wants to learn about a specifics category they can buy facts to help them solve quiz.
Suggested implementation
[ ] add shop to menu list.
[ ] shop shows user current points.
[ ] shop sells a random fact about one specific category chosen with points.
) Functional description
be able to choose from the menu as an option to enter the shop to buy some quiz information help.
) Justification
Would make it more interesting and helpful to be able to enter the shop for some hints to refresh the memory of a person regarding certain questions/information to evolve easier.
) Suggested implementation
) Impact
) Alternative solutions
Functional description
Implementera shop choice in menu to sell facts about categorys.
if a user wants to learn about a specifics category they can buy facts to help them solve quiz.
Suggested implementation
Alternative solutions