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Update Notifications Feature #180

Closed qisforq closed 2 months ago

qisforq commented 3 months ago


Enhance the Notifications section of the Settings page to allow users to manage their notification preferences effectively.


chef-louis commented 2 months ago

Doing some research indicates that having an individual table for users and another for notification preferences, we can then create a many-to-many relationship table between them to house preferences for the various combinations. This seems to be both a performant and scalable approach as we grow the communications channels.

My original tagging idea is comparatively slower as the User table would have an ever growing column with additional tags which would get slower to search through over time. Hence having one many-to-many solution where an entry by default signifies a 'true' boolean for notification preference appears to be the best way to go.

I'll get the relevant tables added

qisforq commented 2 months ago

Nice work on this @chef-louis, the new design approach sounds very intuitive and performant. Looking forward to seeing the tables!

chef-louis commented 2 months ago
chef-louis commented 2 months ago

Functionality of adding / removing notification preferences for users is completed.

TODO for further optimization:

chef-louis commented 2 months ago

EDIT: Touched base with Paula again and going to explore a modal to engage users directly after sign-up to initialize notification preferences

Deleted previous message for clarity. Still working on a functional modal to enable / disable notifications on first sign-in.