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Add User Authentication with Amazon Cognito #214

Closed qisforq closed 2 months ago

qisforq commented 2 months ago


Implement user authentication in the Next.js application using Amazon Cognito to secure user access and provide login/signup functionality.



  1. Configure Amplify in the Next.js application

    • [x] Initialize Amplify in the Next.js project
    • [x] Configure Amplify with the AWS Region, Cognito User Pool ID, and App Client ID
    • [x] Set up Amplify authentication with the desired configuration (e.g., enable email verification)
  2. Implement user registration (dependent on #217 )

    • [x] Create a registration form component in the Next.js application
    • [x] Handle form submission and call the Amplify Auth.signUp method to register users
    • [ ] Display success or error messages based on the registration result
  3. Implement user confirmation

    • [x] Create a confirmation form component in the Next.js application
    • [x] Handle form submission and call the Amplify Auth.confirmSignUp method to confirm user registration
    • [x] Display success or error messages based on the confirmation result
  4. Implement user login

    • [x] Create a login form component in the Next.js application
    • [x] Handle form submission and call the Amplify Auth.signIn method to authenticate users
    • [x] Display success or error messages based on the login result
    • [x] Store the authenticated user's session or token securely
  5. Implement user logout

    • [x] Create a logout button or link in the Next.js application
    • [x] Handle logout action and call the Amplify Auth.signOut method to log out users
    • [x] Clear any stored user session or token
    • [x] Redirect the user to the login page or any other appropriate page
  6. Secure protected routes

    • [x] Identify the routes or pages in the Next.js application that require authentication
    • [x] Implement route guards or higher-order components to check the user's authentication status
    • [x] Redirect unauthenticated users to the login page when accessing protected routes
qisforq commented 2 months ago

chef-louis commented 2 months ago

Okay, file and folder structure are relatively organized now and sign-up, sign-in and sign-out flows are working as expected.

Still some key items left to finish