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Update README with amplify setup #248

Closed qisforq closed 2 weeks ago

qisforq commented 2 months ago

Objective: Update the project's README file to include instructions for setting up and configuring AWS Amplify.


  1. Review the current README file and identify the section for Amplify setup.

    • [ ] Locate the existing Amplify setup section in the README file.
    • [ ] Determine if the section needs to be created or updated.
  2. Provide step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the Amplify CLI.

    • [ ] Include instructions for installing the Amplify CLI globally using npm or yarn.
    • [ ] Explain how to configure the Amplify CLI with the necessary AWS credentials and region.
  3. Describe the process of initializing Amplify in the project.

    • [ ] Provide the command to run in the project's root directory to initialize Amplify (e.g., amplify init).
    • [ ] Explain the prompts and options to select during the initialization process, such as the environment name, default editor, and AWS profile.
  4. Explain how to add and configure Amplify categories.

    • [ ] Provide instructions for adding the required Amplify categories to the project, such as Auth, API, and Storage.
    • [ ] Include examples of running the respective Amplify CLI commands (e.g., amplify add auth) and the configuration options to choose.
  5. Document the process of deploying Amplify resources.

    • [ ] Explain how to deploy the Amplify resources to AWS using the amplify push command.
    • [ ] Mention any additional steps or considerations specific to the project, such as environment-specific configurations or custom scripts.
  6. Include troubleshooting tips and common issues.

    • [ ] Provide a section with common issues or errors that may occur during the Amplify setup process and their respective solutions.
    • [ ] Include links to relevant Amplify documentation or resources for further assistance.
  7. Update the table of contents and organize the README file.

    • [ ] Ensure that the Amplify setup section is properly linked in the table of contents.
    • [ ] Review the overall structure and organization of the README file for clarity and readability.
  8. Proofread and test the updated README instructions.

    • [ ] Carefully review the updated README file for any grammatical errors, typos, or formatting issues.
    • [ ] Test the instructions by following them step-by-step to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  9. Commit and merge the updated README file.

    • [ ] Create a new branch for the README updates.
    • [ ] Commit the changes and create a pull request for review.
    • [ ] Address any feedback or suggestions from the code review process.
    • [ ] Merge the pull request into the main branch once approved.