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Implement option #3 of new game summary component #255

Closed pm-moyanor closed 1 month ago

pm-moyanor commented 1 month ago


Implement option # 3 created by @pm-moyanor for the new game summary component, which was redesigned to have a single viewer, with highlights acting as bookmarks (#237)


  1. Review the design mockups for option # 3 of the game summary component (#237)

  2. Create a new component for the game summary viewer.

    • [ ] Set up a new React component file for the game summary viewer.
    • [ ] Define the necessary props and state variables for the component.
    • [ ] Implement the basic structure and layout of the component according to the design.
  3. Integrate the game summary data into the viewer component.

    • [ ] Retrieve the game summary data from the API or state management system.
    • [ ] Map the retrieved data to the appropriate elements within the game summary viewer component.
    • [ ] Ensure that the data is properly formatted and displayed as per the design specifications.
  4. Create a timeline component to visualize the highlights within the game viewer.

    • [ ] incorporate icons representing highlights within the game summary viewer.
    • [ ] Implement the logic via Mux to navigate to the corresponding section of the game summary when a highlight bookmark is clicked.


Note Quentin will create icons