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Transfer Google OAuth configuration to production mode #279

Open qisforq opened 1 month ago

qisforq commented 1 month ago


Transfer Google OAuth configuration to production mode on the Google Developer Console to enable Google sign-in functionality in the production environment.


  1. Access the Google Developer Console

    • [ ] Log in to the Google Developer Console using the appropriate credentials
    • [ ] Navigate to the project associated with the AthletiFi application
  2. Update OAuth consent screen settings

    • [ ] Go to the "OAuth consent screen" section
    • [ ] Ensure all required information is provided (application name, logo, privacy policy URL, etc.)
    • [ ] Submit the OAuth consent screen for verification, if required
  3. Configure OAuth credentials

    • [ ] Go to the "Credentials" section
    • [ ] Locate the OAuth client ID created for Google sign-in
    • [ ] Update the "Authorized JavaScript origins" and "Authorized redirect URIs" to include the production domain(s)
    • [ ] Save the changes
  4. Update Amplify configuration

    • [ ] Open the Amplify configuration file in the Next.js project
    • [ ] Update the Google OAuth configuration to use the production client ID and client secret
    • [ ] Save the changes and deploy the updated configuration
  5. Test Google sign-in in the production environment

    • [ ] Access the AthletiFi application in the production environment
    • [ ] Verify that the Google sign-in functionality works as expected
    • [ ] Test the sign-in flow and ensure user information is correctly retrieved and stored
qisforq commented 1 week ago

@chef-louis App has been submitted for verification. It will take 4-6 weeks lol

The Trust and Safety team has received your form. They will reach out to you via your contact email if needed. The review process can take up to 4-6 weeks. Expect the first email from our Trust and Safety team within 3-5 days. Your last approved consent screen is still in use. Learn more