AthletiFi / athletifi-website

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BUG it seems that if you wait too long after registering and before you enter the verification code, the registration resets after submitting the code #283

Open qisforq opened 1 month ago

qisforq commented 1 month ago


Investigate and fix the bug where the registration resets if there is a delay between registration and entering the verification code.


  1. Reproduce the bug

    • [ ] Set up a test environment with the AthletiFi application
    • [ ] Register a new user account
    • [ ] Intentionally delay entering the verification code for an extended period
    • [ ] Observe the behavior when submitting the verification code after the delay
  2. Investigate the cause

    • [ ] Analyze the server-side logs to identify any error messages or anomalies related to the registration process
    • [ ] Review the code responsible for handling the verification process, focusing on session management and data persistence
    • [ ] Check if there are any timeouts or expiration mechanisms that could be causing the registration to reset
  3. Implement a fix

    • [ ] Based on the investigation findings, develop a solution to prevent the registration from resetting due to delays
    • [ ] Consider extending session timeouts, improving data persistence, or implementing a more robust verification process
    • [ ] Modify the relevant code files to incorporate the necessary changes
  4. Test the fix

    • [ ] Register a new test user account
    • [ ] Intentionally introduce a delay between registration and entering the verification code
    • [ ] Verify that the registration does not reset and the verification process completes successfully
  5. Push the changes and deploy

    • [ ] Commit the code changes that resolve the bug
    • [ ] Push the changes to the relevant branch in the version control system
    • [ ] Trigger the deployment process to update the production environment with the fix

These task descriptions provide a structured approach to address the specified issues and improvements in the AthletiFi application. Each task includes sub-tasks that outline the necessary steps to investigate, implement, test, and deploy the changes effectively.