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Replace past matches/future matches dummy data with proper API connections #284

Closed qisforq closed 1 week ago

qisforq commented 1 month ago


Replace the dummy data for past matches and future matches with proper API connections to fetch real data from the backend.


  1. Create API endpoints for past and future matches

    • [ ] Design and implement API endpoints in the backend to retrieve past matches and future matches data
    • [ ] Ensure the endpoints accept necessary parameters (e.g., player ID, date range) to filter the data appropriately
    • [ ] Test the API endpoints using tools like Postman to verify the response data structure and accuracy
  2. Update the frontend to fetch data from the API

    • [ ] Identify the components or files responsible for rendering the past matches and future matches sections
    • [ ] Remove the dummy data and replace it with API calls to the respective endpoints
    • [ ] Use appropriate libraries (e.g., Axios) to make the API requests and handle the responses
    • [ ] Implement error handling and loading states to provide a smooth user experience
  3. Integrate the fetched data into the UI

    • [ ] Modify the UI components to dynamically render the past matches and future matches based on the data received from the API
    • [ ] Ensure the UI is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and device types
    • [ ] Test the integration thoroughly to verify that the data is displayed correctly and the UI behaves as expected
  4. Optimize performance and caching

    • [ ] Implement client-side caching mechanisms to store the fetched data and reduce unnecessary API calls
    • [ ] Consider implementing pagination or lazy loading for large datasets to improve initial load times
    • [ ] Monitor the performance of the API calls and optimize the queries and data retrieval process if needed