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Implement 'change password' and 'change email' features #288

Closed qisforq closed 1 month ago

qisforq commented 1 month ago


Implement the "Change Password" and "Change Email" features to allow users to update their account credentials securely.


  1. Design the Change Password and Change Email UI

    • [ ] Create wireframes or mockups for the Change Password and Change Email forms in the user settings or profile page
    • [ ] Define the required fields and validation rules for each form
    • [ ] Obtain approval from stakeholders on the design
  2. Implement the Change Password form

    • [ ] Create a new component or modify an existing one to display the Change Password form
    • [ ] Include fields for the current password, new password, and confirm new password
    • [ ] Implement form validation to ensure the new password meets the required criteria (e.g., minimum length, complexity)
    • [ ] Hash the new password securely before sending it to the backend
  3. Implement the Change Email form

    • [ ] Create a new component or modify an existing one to display the Change Email form
    • [ ] Include fields for the current email and new email
    • [ ] Implement form validation to ensure the new email is in a valid format
  4. Handle Change Password request

    • [ ] Create an API endpoint in the backend to handle the Change Password request
    • [ ] Verify the user's current password before allowing the password change
    • [ ] Update the user's password in the database with the new hashed password
    • [ ] Send a confirmation email to the user's registered email address notifying them about the password change
  5. Handle Change Email request

    • [ ] Create an API endpoint in the backend to handle the Change Email request
    • [ ] Verify the user's current email before allowing the email change
    • [ ] Send a verification email to the new email address to confirm the email change
    • [ ] Update the user's email in the database once the verification is complete
    • [ ] Send a confirmation email to both the old and new email addresses notifying the user about the email change
  6. Implement security measures

    • [ ] Implement rate limiting or throttling to prevent excessive attempts to change passwords or email addresses
    • [ ] Log all password and email change activities for auditing and security purposes
    • [ ] Consider implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for additional security when changing sensitive account information
  7. Test and monitor

    • [ ] Conduct thorough testing of the Change Password and Change Email features, including edge cases and security scenarios
    • [ ] Verify that the password and email changes are properly reflected in the user's account and database
    • [ ] Monitor the performance and security of the password and email change processes and address any issues promptly
qisforq commented 1 month ago

This will be revised to be just change password task

chef-louis commented 1 month ago