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Fix Register/Login component padding (padding is too large) #293

Open qisforq opened 1 month ago

qisforq commented 1 month ago


Fix the excessive padding in the Register/Login component to improve the visual appearance and usability.


  1. Identify the root cause of the padding issue

    • [ ] Inspect the Register/Login component using browser developer tools
    • [ ] Identify the CSS styles or classes that are causing the excessive padding
    • [ ] Determine if the padding is being applied intentionally or if it's an unintended consequence of other styles
  2. Adjust the padding styles

    • [ ] Modify the CSS styles or classes responsible for the padding in the Register/Login component
    • [ ] Reduce the padding values to achieve a more balanced and visually appealing layout
    • [ ] Ensure that the padding adjustments do not negatively impact other elements or the overall design
  3. Test the padding fix

    • [ ] Test the Register/Login component with the updated padding styles
    • [ ] Verify that the padding is reduced to an appropriate level and the component looks visually appealing
    • [ ] Check the component on different devices and screen sizes to ensure consistency
  4. Refactor and optimize the styles (if necessary)

    • [ ] If the padding issue is a result of conflicting or redundant styles, refactor the CSS to eliminate the conflicts
    • [ ] Consider using a CSS methodology (e.g., BEM, CSS modules) to improve the maintainability and specificity of styles
    • [ ] Optimize the CSS by removing any unused or redundant styles related to the Register/Login component