AthletiFi / athletifi-website

Official website for AthletiFi
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Update email language for registration email to be specific for the first 60 families (referralInvite lambda) #319

Open qisforq opened 3 weeks ago

qisforq commented 3 weeks ago

@HectorAgudelo I will provide html syntax here

qisforq commented 1 week ago

@HectorAgudelo Sorry for the delay in getting you the example email html. Here it is:

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                                                                      <div style="font-family:Poppins, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;text-align:left;color:#737F8D;">
                                                                        <p>Hello ${user.parentFirstName},</p>
                                                                          We are excited to welcome ${user.playerFirstName} on the field in just one month! To ensure that everyone is fully prepared and informed, we will be hosting an information session for parents the week before the first day of training. 
                                                                          💡&nbsp;Info Session Details:
                                                                        <p><strong>🗓️&nbsp;Date: </strong>Tuesday, June 4th</p>
                                                                        <p><strong>⏰&nbsp;Time: </strong>6:30 p.m.</p>
                                                                        <p><strong>📍&nbsp;Location: </strong>Online via Microsoft Teams.
                                                                          <a href="">
                                                                            🔗 Join the meeting here
                                                                        <p>We strongly encourage you to make every effort to attend, as we will be covering important information about the upcoming program, demonstrating the AthletiFi platform, and answering any questions you may have.</p>
                                                                        <p><strong>🔗&nbsp;Access the meeting:</strong> 
                                                                          <a href="">
                                                                            Click here to join the meeting
                                                                        <p><strong>🆔&nbsp;Meeting ID:</strong> 211 153 416 813</p>
                                                                        <p><strong>🔑&nbsp;Passcode:</strong> rZ98fv</p>
                                                                            📞&nbsp;Dial in by phone:
                                                                          <a href="tel:+19293522689,,285352407#">
                                                                            +1 929-352-2689,,285352407#
                                                                            <strong>📞&nbsp;Phone conference ID:</strong> 285 352 407#
                                                                        </p> -->
                                                                        We request all parents to fill out a brief questionnaire to help us gather essential information to ensure everyone is ready on day one.
                                                                        <a href="" style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;color: #0092c4;">
                                                                          Please click here to complete the questionnaire!
                                                                        🍫&nbsp;Hershey Summer Classic Tournament Details:
                                                                        Our first tournament, the Hershey Summer Classic, will take place on June 15-16, shortly after our initial training sessions on June 11 and June 13. This tournament will be an excellent opportunity for our young athletes to showcase their skills early in the program.
                                                                      <h4>🏠&nbsp;Lodging Information:</h4>
                                                                        For those requiring lodging for the Hershey Summer Classic, please use the following link to book accommodations:
                                                                        <a href="" style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;color: #0092c4;">
                                                                          Halpern Travel - Hershey Summer Classic 2024
                                                                        We are looking forward to an exciting and productive season with your young athletes! Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
                                                                      <p>See you on the field soon!</p><br>
                                                                      <p>Best regards,</p><br>
                                                                      <p>AthletiFi Select Team</p>
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                                                                        Sent by AthletiFi &bull;
                                                                        <a href="" style="color: #0092c4; text-decoration: none">Check Our
                                                                        &bull; <a href=""
                                                                          style="color: #0092c4; text-decoration: none">@athletifi</a>
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                                                                        style="font-family:Poppins, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:12px;line-height:24px;text-align:center;color:#99AAB5;">
                                                                        326 Penn Ave, West Reading, PA 19611
                                                                    <td align="left" style="font-size:0px;padding:0;word-break:break-word;">
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qisforq commented 6 days ago