AthletiFi / athletifi-website

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Investigate / Create API endpoint to update invite status to 'revoked' #322

Closed chef-louis closed 3 weeks ago

chef-louis commented 3 weeks ago

Make sure we are able to attach a frontend button to an API endpoint that can update the invite status to be revoked (likely a check/update to an existing lambda function).

@pm-moyanor for reference. I'll investigate and let you know of any updates here.

chef-louis commented 3 weeks ago

@pm-moyanor Okay I've got more info on this for you and I've learned through the process myself. The lambda function referralInvite looks for an action key that it looks for within the POST request. The available options are invite and revoke and the lambda function already handles updating the backend as well as sending out relevant emails to communicate to the users directly. I'm closing out this task as it doesn't require any additional work and should be handled by the existing lambda function. Let me know if you have any issues in hooking up the frontend to use this backend endpoint or are looking for additional clarification.

pm-moyanor commented 3 weeks ago

thank you @chef-louis!