use Proxy\Event\ProxyEvent;
use Proxy\Html;
use YouTube\YouTubeDownloader;
class YoutubePlugin extends AbstractPlugin
protected $url_pattern = '';
// force old YouTube layout!
public function onBeforeRequest(ProxyEvent $event)
//$event['request']->headers->set('Cookie', 'PREF=f6=8');
$event['request']->headers->set('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +');
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event)
$response = $event['response'];
$url = $event['request']->getUrl();
$output = $response->getContent();
$response->headers->set('location', proxify_url($redirect, $url));
// remove top banner that's full of ads
$output = Html::remove("#header", $output);
// do this on all youtube pages
$output = preg_replace('@masthead-positioner">@', 'masthead-positioner" style="position:static;">', $output, 1);
// data-thumb holds real image when it is available!
$output = preg_replace_callback('/<img[^>]+data-thumb="(.*?)"[^>]*/is', function ($matches) {
// may or may not have src= attribute
$has_src = strpos($matches[0], 'src="') !== false;
// proxified thumb url
$thumb_url = proxify_url($matches[1], false);
if ($has_src) {
// TODO: maybe remove data-thumb too?
$matches[0] = str_replace('data-thumb', 'remove-this', $matches[0]);
return preg_replace('/src="(.*?)"/i', 'src_replaced="1" src="' . $thumb_url . '"', $matches[0]);
return preg_replace('/data-thumb="(.*?)"/i', 'src_added="1" src="' . $thumb_url . '"', $matches[0]);
}, $output);
$youtube = new YouTubeDownloader();
// cannot pass HTML directly because all the links in it are already "proxified"...
$links = $youtube->getDownloadLinks($url, "mp4 360, mp4");
if ($links) {
$url = current($links)['url'];
$player = vid_player($url, 640, 390, 'mp4');
// this div blocks our player controls
$output = Html::remove("#theater-background", $output);
// replace youtube player div block with our own
$output = Html::replace_inner("#player-api", $player, $output);
// causes too many problems...
$output = Html::remove_scripts($output);
I fixed Youtube and Pornhub
Youtube now works in
namespace Proxy\Plugin;
use Proxy\Event\ProxyEvent; use Proxy\Html; use YouTube\YouTubeDownloader;
class YoutubePlugin extends AbstractPlugin { protected $url_pattern = '';