Athlon1600 / php-proxy

A web proxy script written in PHP and built as an alternative to Glype.
MIT License
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How to limit use of proxy? #120

Open hmzisb opened 5 years ago

hmzisb commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am offering free proxy to my users but my high-end server crash after a few hundred concurrent users. Can you tell me how can I apply some limits to users so the server doesn't crash, like letting user only have maximum uplink of 50Mb and no parallel downloads?

tibbie123 commented 5 years ago

Hi, my main thing is to filter out the non paying countries or just allow those countries that do pay (decent earnings per page view). I use ConfigServer Security & Firewall - csf v12.06 to achieve that - free.

hmzisb commented 5 years ago

Is there any other way to limit resources to every user like there are in glype?

whoamidemo commented 5 years ago

I also encountered the same problem, the server can not support so many users at all.