Athlon1600 / php-proxy

A web proxy script written in PHP and built as an alternative to Glype.
MIT License
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Proxify URL in data-popupurl tag #138

Open ben45c opened 6 years ago

ben45c commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm using the proxy and it's working well apart from the fact that it seems to be ignoring the urls inside the data-popupurl tag. Does anyone know how I can enable proxification for these URLs? An example tag is: <li id="menu-user" data-popupurl="/ozbapi/popup/user?uid=******" data-popupwidth="200" class=""><a href="https://PROXY_URL/index.php?q=mqyoqKadY2TZ2Kljod-Xx6fMkZnTlMamo5DFpmOq1cukZ2Vua5tlbg">My Account</a><div class="menupopup" style="top: 45px; left: 511.766px; width: 200px; display: none;"><div class="loading"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> Loading...</div></div></li> Cheers, ben.

Athlon1600 commented 6 years ago

You'd have to make your own custom plugin that does that. Something similar is being done for data-thumb tags on youtube: