Athlon1600 / youtube-downloader

:tv: PHP based alternative to youtube-dl and yt-dlp. Active and frequently updated! :star:
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SignatureDecoder Issues #182

Open cyberpunkbln opened 10 months ago

cyberpunkbln commented 10 months ago


all is functioned. Wiith the new PlayerApiRequest options i receive only Video without an signatureCipher, even on MusicVideos. I have used old youtube url from issues to test the new signature cipher.

I use the MWEB Client to receive signatureCipher Links and the decoded string are not viewable. Are this old sigs, while MWEB?

It was only a test and the MWEB Client the only chance to receive decoded videos-links?

Has anyody an cipherencoded url for me that reponse signatureCipher-urls with the new Android-Client? THat i can test the new SigntureDecoder Class?


Edit: Tested on SignatureDecoder don't functioned on this link with MWEB Client???? Has Youtube changed something? Why only MWEB produces signatureCipher-Links?

This are my Fix too become ultralow formats, only as an test of the new SignatureDecoder Class.

$response = $this->client->post("" . $configData->getApiKey(), json_encode([
            "context" => [
                "client" => [
                    "clientName" => "MWEB",
                    "clientVersion" => "2.20220801.00.00",
                    "hl" => "en",
                    "timeZone" => "UTC",
                    "userAgent" => $userAgent,
                    "utcOffsetMinutes" => 0
            "params" => "CgIQBg==",
            "videoId" => $video_id,
            "playbackContext" => [
                "contentPlaybackContext" => [
                    "html5Preference" => "HTML5_PREF_WANTS"
            "racyCheckOk" => true
        ]), [
            'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
            'X-Goog-Visitor-Id' => $configData->getGoogleVisitorId(),
            'X-Youtube-Client-Name' => $configData->getClientName(),
            'X-Youtube-Client-Version' => $configData->getClientVersion()

is MWEB depreceated?