Atlantiss / NetherwingBugtracker

Official bugtracker for the Netherwing and Karazhan (2.4.3) realms.
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Multiple issues for escort quest "The Sleeper Has Awakened" #1308

Open Notmittz opened 5 years ago

Notmittz commented 5 years ago

Entry: 11218, Id: 1, GUIDLow: 52783

Description: Many Problems with quest- -NPC Kerlonian is in night elf form, supposed to be in bear form -NPC Kerloanian doesn't ever fall asleep -There are supposed to be a few ambushes along the road/path, no ambushes occurred (followed the road the entire escort)

Current behaviour: This is a very simple and easy escort, he just follows behind as a nightelf and it's a simple job of walking south to turn in.

Expected behaviour: Supposed to be a righteous pain in the ass escort, where the bear is constantly falling asleep at the worse possible moments and if you follow the road (trick was to avoid road and deal with wild creatures) will run into multiple ambushes, sometimes spawning in 3 warlocks who can kill him before most players can grab aggro (see above sentence about this being a pain in the ass).

Server Revision: [2136] [DB] revision Xd ~Evolve

Evolvee commented 5 years ago

the revision is still image on the NW PTR

aresbrutus commented 5 years ago

First point is incorrect. For some reason all other servers have him in bear form with a staff sticking out of him, but on retail he is supposed to be in his night elf form:

Azalen commented 5 years ago

When I did this quest on day 3 or 4 of the open beta I remember him falling asleep though.

Dpthx commented 5 years ago

You can cross out the ambushes part as well, this quest does not have any of that.

aresbrutus commented 5 years ago

The video does mention 2x ambushes, so does the comments on wowhead though hence why I didn't cross it.

Tereneckla commented 4 years ago

He currently falls asleep periodically. Just the ambushes are missing for which the only source sadly is this classic video

First ambush happens at 1:46. He says: "Be on the alert! The Blackwood furbolgs are numerous in this area..." in Darkshore X40.5 Y87 A Blackwood Shaman#2171 and a Blackwood Totemic#2169 spawn behind trees on the right X40.5 Y88.5 Blackwood Ursa#2170 on the left X41 Y88

Second ambush at 5:14. He says: "It's quiet... Too quiet..." in Ashenvale X25.5 Y27.5 A Dark Strand Excavator#3730 spawns left X26 Y28 Dark Strand Adept#3728 next to the road/bush X25.5 Y 28.5 Dark Strand Cultist#3725 on the right X25 Y28

Evolvee commented 4 years ago

image cpp script puke

might rework later if its hard broken or @danbopes could use this for practice xd

NWbug commented 3 years ago

I tried to complete the quest 2 times but when I bring Kerlonian to Maestra post the quest doesn't complete. There were no ambushes along the road both times.

Godmatik commented 1 week ago

"-There are supposed to be a few ambushes along the road/path, no ambushes occurred (followed the road the entire escort)"

This is the only thing missing. The escort otherwise works fine and can be completed.