Atlantiss / NetherwingBugtracker

Official bugtracker for the Netherwing and Karazhan (2.4.3) realms.
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Blood Furnace Dungeon (Heroic) . First Boss " The Maker " ( No Cast Spell "Slime Spray" Posion damage ) #9123

Open Sirgunter opened 2 weeks ago

Sirgunter commented 2 weeks ago

//: #

Description: Hello. On Netherwing server, I have done the Blood Furnace dungeon in normal/heroic mode. The first boss we face is called "The Maker" among the skills he casts is one with poison damage called "slime spray". Day 9/6/2024, I did the dungeon and he didn't cast that spell "Slime Spray"

Atte. Tuerconi / Grangrimbli

Current behaviour:

Expected behaviour:

Server Revision: