Atlas-Assistance-Dogs / atlas-dogs

Repository for Atlas Dogs flows in Salesforce
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change how board term valid until is calculated #486

Closed atlasjen closed 3 months ago

atlasjen commented 10 months ago

We have changed it so we can onboard board members at any monthly meeting. I realized our present logic uses june 30th 3 years after whenever the last agreement was. We want to now have it be the last day of the month 3 years from "Last Board Term Start Date"

so , for example, if they started 2/23/2023, the term would be valid until 2/28/2026. I tried manually changing these but the logic overwrites it.

atlasjen commented 4 months ago

testing in beta11, from what i can see it is still going to june vs april (see detail in pull request) where we discussed this.

atlasjen commented 4 months ago

i was just testing in beta 11 and got this error when i edited the last board term start date image

atlasjen commented 4 months ago

Also related. if i add board as a new position, it automatically populates two dates. i would expect these to be blank. image

atlasjen commented 3 months ago

just tried setting this in beta 12, still getting the same error.


deb761 commented 3 months ago

So, there is a bug, but the bug doesn't get hit if you actually set the Board Term End Month in Atlas Settings. I set it to April, and now you can save the record.

atlasjen commented 3 months ago


atlasjen commented 3 months ago

where do i find "atlas settings"?

deb761 commented 3 months ago

Settings > Custom Settings > Atlas Settings