Atlas-Assistance-Dogs / atlas-dogs

Repository for Atlas Dogs flows in Salesforce
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change how Trainer Cert and Facilitator Cert Valid Until are calculated #487

Closed atlasjen closed 8 months ago

atlasjen commented 10 months ago

we've realized these should not be updated based on when the sign the agreement each year as that often lags the actual cycle of when they were certified. once #484 is done, we are going to want logic that does something like

take the initial certification date and +1 year to that based on the last certification agreement. Ex: if the initial certification date is 1/20/2021; and we have an agreement dated 2/3/2021, it is valid until 1/20/2022. if we then get a new agreement dated say 2/20/2023, it would then change valid until to 1/20/2024.

this applies to Facilitators and Trainers both.