Atlas-Assistance-Dogs / atlas-dogs

Repository for Atlas Dogs flows in Salesforce
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Add Initial Certification dates #494

Closed deb761 closed 8 months ago

deb761 commented 9 months ago

Critical Changes


Added Initial Certification Dates for Team, Client, Facilitator, Trainer Add copy of Team Initial Certification to Client Add to test Add to Actions (will need to do this manually in production)

Issues Closed

484 #497

atlasjen commented 9 months ago

I see these in the Contact and Team objects when i look at fields and i see it in the Team page layout, but they do not display in the position details pane on the Contacts. I'm not sure how to edit those layouts.


atlasjen commented 9 months ago

the fields are present. They need to be added to the page layouts.

deb761 commented 8 months ago

The fields should be in the details pane now, along with updated logic for the Valid Until field on Trainer and Facilitator.

atlasjen commented 8 months ago

i played around w the logic a bit. It appears: Valid Until is Initial Cert Date + 1 year. that is correct.

Then, if i update Last Certification Agreement to a date AFTER initial certification, it correctly updates the valid until to the next year on the original date. that is also correct.

However, if i update Last Certification Agreement to 1 day before the Valid Until, the Valid until doesn't change.

I tested this on facilitator, but i assume it is the same on trainer.

logic gets tricky here as , i can totally see the case of we get their certification agreement a few days after we set the initial cert date and we wouldn't want it to roll the valid until forward. How about this- if last certification agreement is w/in 90 days of when valid until expires, we roll forward valid until?

deb761 commented 8 months ago

I suggest 30 days before the certification expiration, 90 days seems a bit big, but I doubt it would hurt.

atlasjen commented 8 months ago

i am fine w/ 30. in asking Molly, apparently present business process is they are sent request to renew 30 days before they are set to expire

atlasjen commented 8 months ago
