AtlasMediaGroup / IcarusMod

The Superior Freedom Network custom plugin.
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adding Wildcard command ? #179

Open mainey opened 8 years ago

mainey commented 8 years ago

i thought it will be great if Ryan have the wildcard command going on again for him only

if it's ok, i can submit the remaked code, but still uncomplete.


TheCJGCJG commented 8 years ago

This command should not be restricted to just him, there are legitimate uses for wildcard, it should be available to all supers (or seniors, at least)

mainey commented 8 years ago

Oh ok, im gonna change the pernissions later

mainey commented 8 years ago

i'll add the file into my repo, this morning.

mainey commented 8 years ago

mgejay commented 8 years ago

@MichBent Doesn't even compile, lol.

mainey commented 8 years ago

@Adaptified What's the problem ? i can work on that.

It do compile on my computer and run perfectly on my private server though

mainey commented 8 years ago

Empty after if/else statement?