AtlasOfLivingAustralia / ALA4R

Access data and resources hosted by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)
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Fetching data with ALA4R from Atlas instances in Europe fails when sourceTypeId parameter is provided through occurrences() function, succeeds when not #23

Closed mskyttner closed 7 years ago

mskyttner commented 7 years ago

We use ALA4R to retrieve occurrence data from Atlas instances in Europe. The request for fetching the occurrences appear to follow this form:


However, these kind of requests fails for all the instances except the one in Australia. When we change the request to not use the sourceTypeId=2001 parameter and value, it succeeds for all instances of biocache-service..

Can this be a configuration issue where the European instances of the Atlas do not support the sourceTypeId parameter? Or is it some data missing in that service?

To replicate please use this R code:


server_config <- getOption("ALA4R_server_config")

#ws1 <- ""
#ws1 <- ""
#ws1 <- ""
ws1 <- ""

ws2 <- ""

server_config$base_url_biocache <- ws1
server_config$base_url_logger <- ws2

options(ALA4R_server_config = server_config)

  taxon = "Apus apus", 
  #record_count_only = TRUE, 
  download_reason_id = 10
djtfmartin commented 7 years ago

I suspect this is instances using an old version of the biocache service.

mskyttner commented 7 years ago

We are on 1.8.1... there seems to be a 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT too, should we aim for that one?

djtfmartin commented 7 years ago

I'd stick with 1.8.1 for now.

raymondben commented 7 years ago

The github ALA4R now has an additional server_config field for the biocache server version. This works for me:

server_config <- getOption("ALA4R_server_config")
ws1 <- ""
server_config$base_url_biocache <- ws1
options(ALA4R_server_config = server_config)
x1 <- occurrences(taxon = "Apus apus",download_reason_id = 10) ## fails, as in your example

server_config$biocache_version <- "1.8.1"
options(ALA4R_server_config = server_config)
x1 <- occurrences(taxon = "Apus apus",download_reason_id = 10) ## ok

Does that seem like a reasonable solution?

mskyttner commented 7 years ago

Yes, thank you, very reasonable!

We have installed ALA4R with devtools and we confirm that it works for us to get data from some European instances now....

I think this issue can be closed now.

raymondben commented 7 years ago

@mskyttner - this is now in the CRAN version of ALA4R (v1.5.6)