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Input check in sites_by_species() #34

Open raymondben opened 6 years ago

raymondben commented 6 years ago

See this note in the sites_by_species() function code:

TODO need way to better check input species query. If the query is incorrect, the call will fail with message along the lines of: "Error in sites_by_species(taxon = "gen:Eucalyptus", wkt = "POLYGON((144 -43,148 -43,148 -40,144 -40,144 -43))", : Error processing your Sites By Species request. Please try again or if problem persists, contact the Administrator."

fails: ss <- sites_by_species(taxon="rk_genus:Eucalyptus",wkt="POLYGON((144 -43,148 -43,148 -40,144 -40,144 -43))",verbose=TRUE) fails: ss <- sites_by_species(taxon="scientificNameAuthorship:Maiden",wkt="POLYGON((144 -43,148 -43,148 -40,144 -40,144 -43))",verbose=TRUE) fails: ss <- sites_by_species(taxon="parentGuid:",wkt="POLYGON((144 -43,148 -43,148 -40,144 -40,144 -43))",verbose=TRUE)

raymondben commented 6 years ago

Guesstimated time - 3 days