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magrittr required to run through the example #50

Closed djtfmartin closed 6 years ago

djtfmartin commented 6 years ago

i just did a fresh install of Rstudio and found i needed magrittr to get the following to run:

sx$data %>% dplyr::select(name, rank, commonName)

raymondben commented 6 years ago

@PeggyNewman I'll leave it to you to check, but magrittr shouldn't be needed here, because the pipe operator (%>%) is exported by dplyr, and this should have been loaded by the library(dplyr) line just prior to this. @djtfmartin were you stepping through the code manually? (Could you have missed the library(dplyr) line?)

djtfmartin commented 6 years ago

apologies - i thought i had ran that line, but i didnt.