it would be good to provide an i18nCode value in addition to the title, so that LA hubs can provide translations in the UI. The /occurrences/search service has this for the facets output.
Not sure how to generate the code values though... was thinking it could just be the title munged to convert spaces to underscores but then the client code could also just do this instead.
@djtfmartin any ideas on i18n aspect for this service... is it needed?
it would be good to provide an i18nCode value in addition to the title, so that LA hubs can provide translations in the UI. The /occurrences/search service has this for the facets output.
Not sure how to generate the code values though... was thinking it could just be the title munged to convert spaces to underscores but then the client code could also just do this instead.
@djtfmartin any ideas on i18n aspect for this service... is it needed?