AtlasOfLivingAustralia / ala-name-matching

Atlas name matching API and index generation
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A miscellany of magical beasts #180

Closed charvolant closed 1 year ago

charvolant commented 1 year ago

Fix for issue #171 Largely handled in pre-processing

Fix for issue #177 Names that match the virus stop pattern now do a search on variations of the name.

Fix for issue #178 Detect and ignore duplicates

Fix for issue #179 Add a boost to non-synonym names.

Try to re-use left- and right-values if possible. An idmap is written to the output file, which can be used to provide a preferred index of left- and right-values when reconstructing an index. The index make will do its best but give up if things are too far out of whack.

Detect and reassign invalid parents in source data to ALA_The_Unknown_Taxon

Update test cases to point to 20210811-5