AtlasOfLivingAustralia / ala-name-matching

Atlas name matching API and index generation
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The return of Proboscidea #203

Open charvolant opened 1 year ago

charvolant commented 1 year ago


The result should match ALA_DR7933_1 and be excluded but instead matches

Sherrin-ALA commented 1 year ago

It would appear that the issue here is a lack of higher taxonomy when comparing the matches. Names that are excluded do not get an accepted parent id in the LTC, so the Proboscidea document in the index doesn't have a value for kingdom, phylum, etc. Thus the match is downgraded.

Need to find out if there was a decision made not to place excluded names within the hierarchy, or if it's an bug

Sherrin-ALA commented 1 year ago

The commit "Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into issue-188" introduced the ability to determine if a parentID is added based on the status of the taxon entry. It appears that as a default, ParentIDs aren't added for "EXCLUDED" taxon entries.

Updated the entry for dr7933 in Ala-taxon-config.json to set ParentOutput for EXCLUDE to true - { "id" : "dr7933", "name": "ALA", "description": "Specific ALA fixes for various problems. These take precedence over anything else.", "parent": "default", "rightsHolder": "Atlas of Living Australia", "licence": "CC-BY", "defaultScore" : 10000, "parentOutput": { "EXCLUDED": true } },

On rebuilding the taxonomy, and rebuilding the index, the test now matches ALA_DR7933_1